April 16, 2008

What makes a delicious...

chocolate cake? Try red velvet with cocoa powder and vinegar! In celebration of Kathy's birthday, her requested cake was topped with signs of spring (Gerber Daisies)!

Kathy: I hope you enjoyed your birthday despite the 45 minute apartment oven melt-down (almost). OOPS. We shall continue eating old-fashioned cakes.

Raspberry center, fresh and ready to please.

The finished product surrounded in lady fingers.

Moist, chocolatey, and packed with blueberries.

We lit her a ceremony!

I <3 you.


Unknown said...

thank you jess!!! it was the most amazing/awesome cake EVER. i can't wait to devour the rest today!

Anita S. said...

I adore that picture of the raspberries.

Very nice.

The cake looks rather incredible as well. Cake...I believe I have some in my fridge right now. Hah. You know where I'll be in a few minutes. =)